Friday, August 30, 2019

pick a path

we had to make a fairy tail my group and i picked little red ridding hood but their was a twist we had
to make it a horror, comedy, fantasy, adventure or historical we picked horror.

My favourite thing was the pictures, putting in the links, writing and working on the story so we could finish and we did 

The hard part was doing all of the paths and adding the detail to the paths that we did that is what i think was hard.

I would change some of the writing because i don't think i put much detail in to my path that i made.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

how to do division.

We have been learning the cup method here's a video on how to do division
The easy part was to make the video and do the drawing on a white bored.
The hard part of the video was to make the division questions.
I think division is easy once you get the hang of it i love division.
We have also been learning to skip count in 4's and 3's 

Friday, August 9, 2019

Week 3 goal reflection.

I think i'm nearly meting my goal because i'm getting silver. 

I'm going to try to am for gold next week because iv'e been not on task.

I'm going to achieve my goal by not sitting with my friends so i can stay on task and get my must do's finished.